JPFA Training
Welcome to the Japan Plant Factory Association (JPFA) training program. Our aim is to nurture the next generation of experts in both academia and industry for the future of plant factories with artificial lighting (PFALs) and controlled-environment agriculture. Our courses are taught by professionals from academia and industry who provide a conceptual and technological framework to support practical applications in relevant fields.
Since 2010, we have organized various in-depth and practical on-site and online training sessions, including introductory and advanced courses, in collaboration with Chiba University.

- Upcoming Course -
Introductory Online Training Course
The Introductory Online Training Course consists of ten lectures with the viewing period of one month. Or you can choose lectures individually.
"Other leafy greens: Microgreens and baby greens" by Chieri Kubota is available only to those who have purchased the introductory training as a set.
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Day 1 Lectures, workshops, and discussion sessions on Kashiwanoha Campus
Day 2 An exclusive excursion to the large-scale commercial PFALs
Day 3 Visit to J AGRI, one of the biggest agricultural exhibitions in Asia.
Pre-learning videos
All Introductory Training Course's lectures plus lectures by consortium companies
Day 3 Visit to J AGRI, one of the biggest agricultural exhibitions in Asia.
Pre-learning videos
All Introductory Training Course's lectures plus lectures by consortium companies
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Day 1 Lectures, workshops, and discussion sessions on Kashiwanoha Campus
Day 2 Special excursion to the wonderful strawberry farms in Tochigi and Ibaraki Pref.
Pre-learning videos
Pre-learning videos
On-demand lectures on practical strawberry cultivation and varieties of Japanese strawberries by professionals from Chiba Univ. and consortium companies
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Day 1 The exclusive excursion to the large-scale commercial PFALs
Day 2 Lectures, workshops, and discussion sessions
Pre-learning videos
Pre-learning videos
To enhance participants’ understanding, the videos on PFAL business management, 808 Factory case studies, and virtual tours were provided in advance.
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The JPFA ran the first STRAWBERRY online
training course in English on Oct. 13- 31, 2022.
training course in English on Oct. 13- 31, 2022.
Click here for the details.
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Visit JPFA Workshops
Videos of lectures and handouts from workshops held in FY 2021-2022 can be accessed through a variety of options.