JPFA Training Course

Introductory Lecture No. 8
Business Administration of PFAL

0. Introductory videos and breaking news!
1. Simulate “cultivation” for “business
 ① How to simulate “cultivation” on the “business
   administration” sheet
  ② Operating efficiency and productivity
  ③ Case study on the business administration sheet
2. “Business management” differs from
  “cultivation management”
   ① Operating efficiency and productivity
 ② Productivity in “resource unit” and “monetary term”
 ③ Productivity and profitability
 ④ Light Intensity and spacing as the key success factors
3. Business talks

  • Video :  105 min.
  • Handout : 2 PDF, 1 Excel file
  • English
  • Viewing period : 10 days
  • Last update: March, 2023
  • Member Price:      ¥ 5,000-
    Non-member Price: ¥ 7,500-
Kazuya Uraisami

Kazuya (“Kaz”) URAISAMI has graduated from Harvard Law School and worked for various types of financial institutions in Japan, in US and in Switzerland for 20 years. Capitalizing on a combined expertise of legal and financial skills, he has developed business planning sheets for variety of business including one for Plant Factory with Artificial Lighting when he was working for starting up PFAL at Asahi Techno Plant in Okayama. As Director of JPFA, he has made available the planning sheets to plan for and solve the business issues for the members.


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