JPFA Training Course
JPFA Introductory Training Course
The Introductory Training course consists of ten lectures.
1. Introduction to Principles and Prospects of PFALs:
Current and Forthcoming Technologies
- Eri Hayashi
Table of Content
• Introduction
• Principles and Concept of PFAL
• Current Situation and Challenges
• Forthcoming Technologies Towards Next Generation PFAL
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Phenotyping
for Environmental Control and Breeding
• Conclusion
Video : 64 min.
Handout : 1 PDF
Last update: December, 2023
Eri Hayashi
Japan plant factory association
Eri serves as president of the Japan Plant Factory Association (JPFA), a nonprofit organization devoted to academic and business advancements in plant factory/controlled environment agriculture (CEA) . Before joining the JPFA, Eri worked at a private research institute in Tokyo, specializing in technology advancement for global food production. She has been conducting international field research on plant factories/CEA since 2008. She has published multiple research papers and has been a research project manager on artificial intelligence- and phenotyping-based next-generation plant factory for environmental control and breeding. She has a keen interest in technological advances, including phenotyping, in plant factories. She received a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University. She was a co-convener of the Symposium (S08) of Advances in Vertical Farming at the 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022), and led the JPFA in organizing the first JPFA International Symposium on Plant Factory (ISPF 2023) in Chiba, Japan. She is a co-editor of a book entitled Advances in Plant Factories: New Technologies in Indoor Vertical Farming published in 2023 by Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. She is an Associate Member of the Science Council of Japan, and a Member of the Agricultural Academy of Japan.
2. Principles and Prospects of Plant Factories with
Artificial Lighting (PFALs)
- Toyoki Kozai
Table of Content
• Contribution of PFALs to our planet
• Basic requirements and the goal of PFALs
• Indices to sustainable PFAL design and management
• Forthcoming technologies
1) PFAL consisting of Cultivation System Modules
2) Phenotyping
3) 3D environments within a plant canopy
4) Production of fruit, root and head vegetables
• Conclusion
Video : 38 min.
Handout : 1 PDF
Last update: October, 2023
Toyoki Kozai
Japan plant factory association
Dr. Toyoki kozai is a professor emeritus at Chiba University and honorary president of Japan Plant Factory Association. He obtained a PhD degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Tokyo. When he started his academic career, his work was focused on greenhouse environment control engineering. Then his scientific interest was extended to in vitro environments under artificial light and their control for sugar-free medium micro-propagation. After serving as President of Chiba University, he was back in research, education. Since 2010, he has been working as the president of Japan Plant Factory Association and is leading R & D of “plant factory with artificial lighting (PFAL)” and “integrative environment control of greenhouses” using heat pump, fogging, and null-balance CO2 enrichment systems. He received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2002 and the Order of the Sacred Treasure and Light in 2019 from the Japanese Government.
3. Light Environment and Plant Growth- Basics and
Recent Research
- Na Lu
Table of Content
• Basics
②Photosynthesis and factors related
③Light receptors
④Photo-assimilate translocation
• Research and Applications
①Light environment control
- Lighting systems in PFAL
- Light intensity
- Photoperiod
- Light spectrum
Video : 93 min.
Handout : 2 PDF
Last update: October, 2023
Na Lu
Assistant professor of Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University, Japan. She finished her BS and MS in Environmental Biology Engineering during 2002-2008 from China Agricultural University, China; and received PhD in Horticultural Science in 2012 from Chiba University, Japan. She worked at Philips, Horticulture LED Solutions, as a plant specialist in the Asia-Pacific region for three years. In 2015, she was invited to work on Plant Factory research projects at Chiba University. Her scientific interests are in the field of environmental control technologies, especially LED lighting applications, for promoting growth and quality of leafy vegetables and medicinal plants grown in plant factories. Her recent work also focuses on the development of technologies on edible flowers and fruit vegetable production in plant factories with artificial lighting and application of organic fertilizers.
4. Basic Hydroponic Production and Nutrient Solution
- Special Discussion -
- Satoru Tsukagoshi & Chieri Kubota
Table of Content
Part 1: Introduction to hydroponics – definitions and systems
Part 2: Substrates and nutrient formula
Part 3: Advanced management of nutrients in hydroponics
Part 4: Designing mineral nutrient contents of hydroponic leafy greens
▶Lecture: Dr. Tsukagoshi
▶Discussion: Dr. Tsukagoshi and Dr. Kubota
▶Discussion: Dr. Tsukagoshi and Dr. Kubota
Lecture : 80 min.
Talk : 75 min. -
Handout : 1 PDF
Last update: November, 2023
Satoru Tsukagoshi
Chiba University
Dr. Satoru TSUKAGOSHI is an associate professor at Chiba University.
He obtained a PhD degree in Agriculture from Chiba University. When he started his academic career,
his work was focused on the hydroponic strawberry cultivation. Then, his scientific interest was extended to the optimization of the nutrient
solution management in hydroponics, the addition of the functionality to the
vegetables using hydroponic technique such as low potassium tomato fruit, high
GABA content tomato fruit, and the development of the quantitative nutrient
management in hydroponics. In the academic education, he accepts many foreign
students who are interested in vegetable production in hydroponics and in
PFALs. The ex-students whom he instructed are playing an active
part in the field of vegetable production in each country now.
Chieri Kubota
Ohio State University, US
Dr. Chieri Kubota is a professor in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, and Director of Ohio Controlled Environment Agriculture Center at the Ohio State University. Dr. Kubota received Ph.D. in Horticultural Engineering and M.S. in Horticultural Science from Chiba University, Japan. Dr. Kubota worked as faculty for 6 years in Chiba University, 16 years in the School of Plant Sciences at University of Arizona. Dr. Kubota joined the faculty at the Ohio State University in 2017. Dr. Kubota is a Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS). In research, her focus is on science-based technology development for CEA crop such as lighting technologies, water and nutrient management, and introducing new crops for CEA. Dr. Kubota is very active in training professionals through online courses, hands-on training, and consultations.
5. Plant Nutrition Related with Nutrient and Water Uptake
- Satoru Tsukagoshi
Table of Content
・Concept of
plant production
・Hydroponic system and solution flow in hydroponics
・Water potential and water movement
・Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC)
・Transpiration and water uptake in PFAL
・Estimation of transpiration rate in PFAL
・Characteristics of major elements in the nutrient
・Causes of physiological disorders and how to
prevent them
Video : 57 min.
Handout : 1 PDF
Last update: November, 2023
Satoru Tsukagoshi
Chiba University
Dr. Satoru TSUKAGOSHI is an associate professor at Chiba University.
He obtained a PhD degree in Agriculture from Chiba University. When he started his academic career,
his work was focused on the hydroponic strawberry cultivation. Then, his scientific interest was extended to the optimization of the nutrient
solution management in hydroponics, the addition of the functionality to the
vegetables using hydroponic technique such as low potassium tomato fruit, high
GABA content tomato fruit, and the development of the quantitative nutrient
management in hydroponics. In the academic education, he accepts many foreign
students who are interested in vegetable production in hydroponics and in
PFALs. The ex-students whom he instructed are playing an active
part in the field of vegetable production in each country now.
6. Cultivation Management (Seeding to Shipping)
- Yutaka Shinohara
Table of Content
1. Seed technologies
- Seed pre-treatment
2. Raising seedlings
- What is “good” seedling?
- Closed environment seedling production system
3. Growing in multilayer beds
- Lighting schedule, nutrient absorption amount, nutrient
solution formula, standard concentration and nutrient solution
4. Harvesting and packaging
5. Some photo images for lettuce production with demonstration
- Difference in water content and germination status
Video : 36 min.
Handout : 1 PDF
Last update: October, 2023
Yutaka Shinohara
Japan Plant Factory Association
Dr. Yutaka Shinohara is a Professor Emeritus of Chiba University, Board member of NPO Japan Plant Factory Association and Advisor for the Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association, as well as a former Chair of the Association. Has dedicated himself to the greenhouse horticulture research, especially on hydroponics and plant factories for more than 40 years. Wrote 100 qualified journal papers and 35 books. Has chaired an amateur wood wind ensemble named ‘Harmonia Ensemble’ for about 50 years as also a player of French horn.
7. Cultivation Processes Demonstrated
- Osamu Nunomura
Table of Content
1. Seed Germination
- Appropriate amount of water
- Comparison of growth by nutrient solution and water usage
2. Preparing Tray
- Measuring the adequate amount of nutrient solution
3. Seeding
- Hand seeding / Using a simple seeder
4. Plant Factory Entrance Precautions
- Possible contamination or adulteration
5. Transplanting and Final Transplanting
6. Harvesting
Video : 25 min.
No handout
Japanese with English Sub
Last update: October, 2023
8. Other leafy greens: Microgreens and baby greens
- Chieri Kubota
Table of Content
・Learning objectives
・Additional reference materials
・Leafy greens grown in hydroponics
・Various types of lettuce
・Hydroponic basil production
・Other leafy green species grown hydroponically
・Leafy green production stages
- Growing seedlings
- Deep water culture for baby greens
- Automated gutter system/packaging
・Microgreen production
- Species consumed as microgreens
- Seed density
- Harvesting
- Market of microgreens
Video : 34 min.
Handout : 1 PDF
Last update: October, 2023
This lecture is exclusive for Introductory Bundle.
Chieri Kubota
Ohio State University, US
Dr. Chieri Kubota is a professor in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, and Director of Ohio Controlled Environment Agriculture Center at the Ohio State University. Dr. Kubota received Ph.D. in Horticultural Engineering and M.S. in Horticultural Science from Chiba University, Japan. Dr. Kubota worked as faculty for 6 years in Chiba University, 16 years in the School of Plant Sciences at University of Arizona. Dr. Kubota joined the faculty at the Ohio State University in 2017. Dr. Kubota is a Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS). In research, her focus is on science-based technology development for CEA crop such as lighting technologies, water and nutrient management, and introducing new crops for CEA. Dr. Kubota is very active in training professionals through online courses, hands-on training, and consultations.
9. Business Administration of PFAL
- Kazuya Uraisami
Table of Content
0. Introductory videos and breaking news!
1. Simulate “cultivation” for “business
① How to simulate “cultivation” on the “business administration” sheet
② Operating efficiency and productivity
③ Case study on the business administration sheet
2. “Business management” differs from
“cultivation management”
① Operating efficiency and productivity
② Productivity in “resource unit” and “monetary term”
③ Productivity and profitability
④ Light Intensity and spacing as the key success factors
3. Business talks
Video : 105 min.
Handout : 2 PDF, 1 Excel file
Last update: March, 2023
Kazuya Uraisami
Kazuya (“Kaz”) URAISAMI has
graduated from Harvard Law School and worked for various types of financial institutions
in Japan, in US and in Switzerland for 20 years. Capitalizing on a combined
expertise of legal and financial skills, he has developed business planning
sheets for variety of business including one for Plant Factory with Artificial
Lighting when he was working for starting up PFAL at Asahi Techno Plant in
Okayama. As Director of JPFA, he has made available the planning sheets to
plan for and solve the business issues for the members.
10. Case Study of Commercial Large-scale PFAL: 808 Factory
- Katashi Kai
Table of Content
・Introduction - About Shinnippou Ltd.
・LED-using, power-saving plant factory
・Reduction of running costs
・Business model design and development
・A path to sustainable business management
Video : 77 min.
Last update: October, 2023
Katashi Kai
Shinnippou Ltd., established in 1972 and based in Fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan, is a diversified company operating not only plant factories but also pachinko halls, hotels and solar power plants. The company's 808 FACTORY in Yaizu in the same prefecture is well-known in the plant factory industry for its large-scale, stable production of high-quality vegetables, data-driven operations and stringent hygiene control. The 808 FACTORY comprising two plant factories with artificial lighting (PFALs) has a daily total production capacity of 30,000 heads of lettuce. Both PFALs are highly productive and operate sustainably.
All Introductory Lectures
Lecture & Talk 4
Basic Hydroponic Production and Nutrient Solution
- Special Discussion -
Satoru Tsukagoshi
Chieri Kubota
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