

「Planet Farms: Unlocking the true potential of CEA, with a sophisticated industrial approach to vertical farming, combined with Italian food quality」
 Roel Janssen氏 (Chief Business Officer, Planet Farms, Italy)

「Infarm Crop Science - A trip through our research program and philosophy」 
    Pavlos Kalaitzoglou氏 (VP Science, Infarm, Germany)
  コーディネーター 林 絵理  (植物工場研究会 副理事長)

  1. Planet Farms: Unlocking the true potential of CEA, with a sophisticated industrial approach to vertical farming, combined with Italian food quality
  2. Infarm Crop Science - A trip through our research program and philosophy

  • 動画:講演①+講演② / 約70 分
  • 配布資料 2 PDF
  • 英語
  • 視聴期間2週間
  • 講演①②をご視聴いただけます
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「Planet Farms: Unlocking the true potential of CEA, with a sophisticated industrial approach to vertical」

「Infarm Crop Science - A trip through our research program and philosophy」

Planet Farms: Unlocking the true potential of CEA, with a sophisticated industrial approach to vertical

  • Roel Janssen
    Chief Business Officer, Planet Farms, Italy
  • 配布資料 1 PDF
  • 英語

Infarm Crop Science - A trip through our research program and philosophy

  • Pavlos Kalaitzoglou
    VP Science, Infarm, Germany
  • 配布資料 1 PDF
  • 英語


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