JPFA Training Course

Introductory Lecture No.3
Light environment and plant growth- basics and recent research

• Basics
  ②Photosynthesis and factors related
  ③Light receptors
  ④Photo-assimilate translocation
• Research and Applications
  ①Light environment control
   - Lighting systems in PFAL
   - Light intensity
   - Photoperiod
   - Light spectrum

  • Video :  93 min.
  • Handout : 2 PDF
  • English
  • Viewing period : 10 days
  • Last update: October, 2023
  • Member Price:      ¥ 3,500-
    Non-member Price: ¥ 5,000-
Na Lu
Chiba University
Assistant professor of Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University, Japan. She finished her BS and MS in Environmental Biology Engineering during 2002-2008 from China Agricultural University, China; and received PhD in Horticultural Science in 2012 from Chiba University, Japan. She worked at Philips, Horticulture LED Solutions, as a plant specialist in the Asia-Pacific region for three years. In 2015, she was invited to work on Plant Factory research projects at Chiba University. Her scientific interests are in the field of environmental control technologies, especially LED lighting applications, for promoting growth and quality of leafy vegetables and medicinal plants grown in plant factories. Her recent work also focuses on the development of technologies on edible flowers and fruit vegetable production in plant factories with artificial lighting and application of organic fertilizers. 


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